Award Descriptions
The Treloar Prize is awarded to the best oral presentation and/or poster at an Australian Polymer Symposium by a person under the age of 30
The CRC Prize and the RACI Industrial Chemistry Award are awarded for the top Honours research thesis in Polymer Science or Industrial Chemistry in Australia respectively.
The ESSO Award is given for significant contributions to innovation in Chemical Engineering
The Cornforth Medal is an annual award to the best PhD thesis in the area of chemical science in Australia, awarded by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
The IUPAC Young Scientist Award is given for the most outstanding PhD thesis in the general area of the Chemical Sciences
The Rennie Memorial Medal is awarded annually to a financial member of the RACI with less than 8 years of professional experience since completing their most recent relevant qualification of a B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. or Ph.D. Degree, or the equivalent, who in the opinion of the Board of the Institute, has contributed most towards the development of some branch of chemical science. Such contribution is judged by the research work published during the ten (10) years immediately preceding the award.
The H.G. Smith Memorial Medal shall be awarded annually to a financial member of the RACI who, in their opinion, has contributed most to the development of some branch of chemical science; this contribution will be judged by research work published or accepted for publication during the ten years immediately preceding the award. The major proportion of the work shall have been done in Australia or its Territories while the candidate was a member of the Institute.
The CRC Chairman's Award is given for commercialisation of research.
The Edgeworth David Medal is awarded for distinguished contributions by a young scientists under the age of thirty-five (35) years for work done mainly in Australia or its territories; or, contributing to the advancement of Australian science.
The CSIRO Corporate Award (Lookout! Award) is presented in recognition of a successful world-class research collaboration.
The Cosmos Bright Sparks Award is presented to the top 10 Australian scientists under 40 who have excelled in their fields.
The UNSW Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Award is presented to a staff member who contributed most to research in the course of the given year.
The CAMD Centre Spirit Award (now Maribel Award) is awarded to a group member, who in the opinion of CAMD members has contributed most to the spirit and well-being of the Centre in terms of their willingness to help others in matters of science as well as general lab organization. The prize is awarded on the basis of a confidential vote by each group member
The CAMD Best Manuscript Award is awarded to a member who - in the opinion of CAMD management - has provided during the year the best manuscript for publication in terms of its overall written quality (language, expression, organization and layout) and scientific merit (thoroughness, rigour and degree of novelty), before the paper was edited
The R.J.W. Le Fèvre Memorial Prize commemorates the work of the late Professor R.J.W. Le Fèvre, FAA, FRS. Its purpose is to recognise outstanding basic research in chemistry by scientists under 40 years at the closing date.
The RACI Polymer Division citation is awarded for outstanding services to the Polymer Division and distinguished research contribution to polymer chemistry.
The Scopus Young Researcher of the Year Award is part of an Elsevier global initiative to support early career researchers, with the intention of supporting young researchers in their quest to advance the frontiers of science across a broad range of disciplines.The Young Researcher Awards has been designed to recognise outstanding young scientists and researchers in Australasia who have made significant contributions in their areas of research.